Sunday, January 22, 2012

5 months old!

Savannah turned 5 months old today. I am both happy and sad about it. This is the first "month birthday" that I was truly nostalgic. She's almost halfway to a year. I miss her being a tiny newborn who just slept in my arms all the time. Now, I have to work hard if I want her to sleep on me. But I love the new things she is doing...

She loves the dog now. She's always watchinng him (and pulling his ears). She's very interested in toys, and her favorites are the toy elephants she has. I think she's going to be an elephant girl. We got her a my pal violet the other night, and all three of us love it! She's enjoying food so much. So far she's tried green beans, oatmeal, pears, and sweet potatoes. Oatmeal is by far her favorite. She can't get enough. I have started making my own foods for her as well. Green beans were my first attempt and it worked out well. She hasn't tried them yet, but eventually! Next up, I'll make carrots and maybe some avocado. Exciting times to come! :) Love my sweet girl!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Back to work, back to work

I really need to be better at keeping up with this. I want to keep track of so many things "Savannah" and feel like this would be a great place to do it. Savannah is now 4.5 months old. I cannot even believe this!! The time is going way too fast for my liking. She is starting to be a roller. She can roll from back to belly, but then gets mad when she gets stuck like that because she absolutely hates being on her belly. She had her 4 month check up last week where she received 2 more shots. Its the second time, but it didn't get any easier for me to hear those awful cries from her. She weighed 13lbs, 3 oz at the appt and the pedi gave us the go ahead to begin some solid foods. So far, we have tried green beans and oatmeal. She wasn't overly thrilled with the beans, but can't get enough of the oatmeal! Mama loves oatmeal too, daddy hates it, so I'm glad to know oatmeal is acceptable in her book :)

We have also entered into the dreaded 4 month sleep regression. I was hoping this wouldn't happen. But, it has. And it started on the same day that I went back to working full time. Peachy timing, Savannah ;) I think it might also have a lot to do with her teething...she has two teeth now! The last week we have either slept in the living room together-her in her bouncer, me on the couch, or I have just brought her into bed with me. This is the only way I was able to get any sleep. I didn't mind the extra cuddles at night though :) Those nights were priceless.

Speaking of work...I have accepted a long term subbing position. I am teaching pre k! I started last week and will (hopefully) go until April. I have loved it so far, and Savannah has a great babysitter that lives close to my school. I drop her off each day around 7:30 and pick her up by 3. I feel lucky in this aspect because I don't feel like i am away from her for too terribly long. I know other mama's are not so blessed so for that, I am very thankful. I did not want to work full time during Savannah's first year, but I know and keep telling myself, this is what is best for our family. It is important to me to be able to give her the things she needs, and sometimes what she wants. This opportunity also allows me to be able to spend the summer home with her, which I am very exctied about!

We have our first snowy day today and I am thrilled! I get to spend the day at home with Savannah and we have been having a great time. She has napped awesome today, so I even got a little "me" time and some laundry/cleaning done. When she wakes up, I plan to do some reading with her :) She loves books already! Definitely her mama's girl :)