Thursday, November 11, 2010

First one!

So I have decided to try this whole blogging thing again. I kinda miss the days of Xanga and being able to just write about things and keep up with people and life. I still enjoy going back and reading my old posts on there and just thinking about what was going on in my life at that time. Journaling is a great way to do just that, keep track of life :)

So, at this point I've had many life changes. Married, moved to WV permanently, and loving it all. While there are a good amount of people that I miss in NJ, and other places as well, I am also enjoying life here. I live 5 mins away from one of my bestest friends, and have lots of other great friends around as well. Family is far away, but at least we have wonderful friends to fill that void :) I also have become an Aunt, not one, not two, not three, but four times! It's so weird to think about, that i'm old enough to have 3 nieces and a nephew, but its so much fun! It's really cool to think about what my aunts and uncles felt like when we all entered the world. The newest one is just 5 days old :)

The job front is ok...not the most consistent job in the world, but at least I enjoy doing it (mostly). Its way better this year than it was last year. I have been working at least 2-4 days a week, which is a huge step up. Thank goodness too, because sitting at home all day everyday was getting quite old.

We also got a cute puppy last Christmas and he is just the sweetest thing! We love him so much, he has been a great addition to our little family. He is papillon and toy fox terrier. We are thoroughly enjoying our house and making it our own. I think its cute and I'm set on living in it for a good long while, but I think Caleb has other ideas. We will see what happens with that. :)

So that's life in a nutshell....More to come (hopefully)!

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